ulbricht group造句


  1. He returned to Germany as member of the Ulbricht Group.
  2. With the re-establishment of the KPD on June 11, 1945, the Ulbricht Group reached its first goal.
  3. After the war he was sent to Berlin with the Ulbricht Group, led by Walter Ulbricht, to work as a journalist for a radio station in the Soviet Zone of occupation.
  4. The Ulbricht Group left from the Hotel Lux, where they had been living in exile, some for years, and flew from Moscow to Minsk, then to Calau, near Midzyrzecz.
  5. Peter Ludz, a West German professor of political science, wrote that Schirdewan and two like-minded Politburo members came to constitute " the last political alternative to the Ulbricht group " within the party and that the elimination of that alternative was decided upon by its opponents.
  6. It's difficult to find ulbricht group in a sentence. 用ulbricht group造句挺难的


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